DGM Newsletter February 2023


Dear DGM members,

Dear readers,


The DGM Newsletter in February 2023 surprises you with two new features. In a newsletter special, we dedicate ourselves in detail to association-specific topics with reports and interviews. In the February issue, you can read more about the topic of "Women in Science", women's network promotion in the DGM. The second novelty is: We give you the opportunity to share your science news via the DGM website and its social media channels to keep our community up to date on current research and trends in the field of materials science and engineering. With this in mind - happy browsing...more


isabeth Elschner, Science Communication Officer DGM e.V.

Elisabeth Elschner, Science Communication Officer DGM e.V.

Materials Science and Technology in Europe

FEMS EUROMAT 2023: Submission of contributions extended


For the last time, we have extended the submission deadline for FEMS EUROMAT 2023. You can still submit your contribution until 15 March 2023 to exchange and network with international and national experts from the materials science community at the largest European materials congress. FEMS EUROMAT 2023 - a unique platform to share current research results and advances in materials science. The DGM looks forward to welcoming you in person or online in Frankfurt am Main.

Submission of contributions until 15 March 2023

7th European Symposium on Biomaterials and Related Areas

BioMAT 2023: Scientific symposium program online 


In less than three months, the hybrid conference 7th European Symposium on Biomaterials and Related Areas invites you to exchange experts online and on-site in Weimar. The scientific symposium program as well as already submitted poster contributions can be found on the conference website. Participate in the 7th BioMat 2023 and book your online or on-site ticket early. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Scientific symposium program BioMAT 2023

2nd Int. School and Conference on Disorder in Materials Science 

DisoMAT 2023: Benefit of Material Disorder


The plenary speakers Prof. Hui Cao and Prof. Willem Vos invite you to the hybrid conference 2nd International School and Conference on Disorder in Materials Science online and in Plankstetten (Bavaria). This year's main topics are optics and photonics. In addition, the 13 invited speakers will keep you up to date on the latest developments in the field of disordered materials. For all information on abstract submission and ticket prices, please visit the conference website.

Registration to DisoMAT 2023

5th International Conference on Light Materials

LightMAT 2023: Preliminary program is online

7 main topics, 8 plenary lectures, 25 poster contributions, 152 presentations: The preliminary program of the hybrid conference LightMAT 2023 is online. Exchange ideas with experts at the interface of science and industry on current research results of light metals in the following areas: Industrial Processing and Additive Manufacturing, Applications and Performance, Applications and Performance, Joining and Multi-Material Design, Joining and Multi-Material Design, Computational Materials Design and Engineering, Computational Materials Design and Engineering. On-site or online, we look forward to meeting you.

Registration to LightMAT 2023

DGM-Newsletter Special

Women in Science

Research concerns us all: Your news for the materials science community


From now on you have the possibility to submit your science news as a proposal to us. After review, we will publish your news on the DGM homepage and its social media channels. We would like to give our association members from science and industry the opportunity to participate. Submit your news from research, industry, science-related events etc. via our contact form. We and the materials science community are looking forward to your news.

Submit here!

New foundation of the local group Young-DGM Augsburg 

The network of the Young-DGM is expanding. At the end of the month of January 2023, the DGM presented the official charter for the new local group Young-DGM Augsburg represented by the speakers Lina Moreno and Tharun Arety.

Together with the local materials science students they want to contribute to strengthen the professional cooperation of the students and PhD students at the location. 

The first supra-regional meeting with other students at the national level is planned from 24 to 25 April 2023, at the DGM-Nachwuchsforum at the University of Kassel.

PhD position (f/m/d)
Aalen University of Applied Sciences would like to fill a PhD position in Materials for Renewable Energy and Electromobility (m/f/d) at the Institute for Materials Research (IMFAA) as of 01 March 2023. The position is initially limited until 31 January 2025 with the option of extension.

On-site helpers for the realization of the EUROMAT congress and the DGM-Tag 2023
You will support our team in the implementation of the EUROMAT congress (Subject Area Materials Science and Engineering - MatWerk) from 03 – 07 September 2023 and the DGM-Tag (08.09.2023). You will gain exciting insights into event management and the latest material science topics. Get actively involved in a variety of tasks.

Doctoral Researcher (DR) Position (m/f/d) to conduct research and training in materials science of Switchable antimicrobial materials
The Chair of Materials Science of the RTG M-M-M invites applications for one Doctoral Researcher (DR) Position (m/f/d) to conduct research and training in materials science of Switchable antimicrobial materials commencing on 15 March 2023. The position is for four years full-time (100%). 

AK Verstärkung HLK

02 - 03 March 2023


AK Verstärkung keramischer Werkstoffe 

AK Quant. Gefügeanalyse

21 - 22 March 2023

 Salzgitter & Online

AK Quantitative Gefügeanalyse

EK Additive Fertigung

22 March 2023


Expertenkreis Additive Fertigung


15 - 16 March 2023

Titan und Titanlegierungen

21 - 23 March 2023
Bruchmechanische Berechnungsmethoden

29 - 30 March 2023
Moderne Beschichtungsverfahren

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Präsidentin/President: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Skrotzki, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Berlin

Präsidentin/President: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Heilmaier, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe

Geschäftsführer/General Manager (§30 BGB): Dr. Stefan Klein 
Registergericht/Public Charter: Frankfurt, VR 11655
UST-Id / VAT-Id: DE 111 292 466